Sunday 10 April 2011

Owed to Joy.

Evening strumpets,

I think that I`ve written on here before how Stephen King describes being inspired to create something out of nothing. He describes it as his "muse sh*tting on his head". I like that. You will sit for days trying different stuff, playing your favourite songs hoping some sort of musical osmosis will infiltrate your fingertips and voice. Oh if it were only that easy.

I`m sorry I`m actually sat here laughing whilst I`m typing this, because Louise is putting the kids to bed, and all I can hear is laughter and mayhem coming from their rooms. It`s a "songs about poo and wee" night. We have them once a week, where the kids and,usually me, are allowed to sing, well, you probably have already guessed. Because Louise has spent all weekend redecorating and cleaning Gracie`s bedroom, she hasn`t seen too much of the kids, so she wanted to take the lead in it tonight. Doesn`t sound like she`s doing too badly!

Anyhow, back to what I was saying at the end of the day, I can`t remember too many times I can clearly say that I set out to write a song, and had one finished neat and tidy, just like that. I generally have to sit there, and as Mr King writes, wait for my muse to dump on my head.

Well this afternoon, it did. I`m pretty sure this riff has been done before, but if it has, I haven`t heard it. It has a John Lee Hooker/Bo Diddley feel to it (and I am not comparing my wonderful middle class caucasian life to theirs, I`m just saying, that was what was in my head whilst playing it).

I originally played it in the faster tempo, and liked it a lot, but wondered what a slower blues type version might sound. The slower version takes me a little longer to find the "groove" purely because I`d only played it twice before. Don`t worry if you can`t understand all the words, a lot of them are just utterances. It`s how I`ve always come at songs lyric wise, and I`m pleased to have read in Keef`s Autobiography that it`s how Mick works (for this brackets please see previous brackets). It`s so true, you find the vowels and consonants which fit the tune and then try and find words to make sense which fit the sounds. At least I do.

here`s the original (and only the second time I`d played it) version.


Here`s the bluesier version.


Please let me know what you think, either on the ridiculously difficult way of posting on this blog( bear with it, you`ll get it posted in the end), or by being a friend on Facebook, (Mark Davies, there`s usually a picture of me or the kids on the profile pic), or by following me on Twitter (greatnorthstrum) or emailing me on the email address on my profile on this blog.

Till the next one, learn something new,


1 comment:

  1. are you channeling robert plant at the moment? i love it how about a version done slow - quick- slow? also needs cowbells- sorry I mean harmonica.
