Sunday 31 October 2010

Halloween Spooky Stories.

Evening Strumpets,

Thanks to everyone who entered the halloween comp. Here`s the best of the crop.

Alan in Derby sent this in

Ok, so I first heard this when I was about 12, and it's stuck with me for the many long years since. It happened to a friend of my brother, and involved a whole bunch of his other friends too, who all swear this is the truth. It's not terrifying, but something about it creeps me out...
(The actual names have been lost in my mind due to time & dementia, sorry!)

Trev was bored. Saturday night TV was rubbish for teenagers (Paul Daniels again??) and he'd much rather be out having a laugh with his mates. Problem was he couldn't get in touch with anyone, they were all "out somewhere". Without him, the rotten sods.

He was starting to doze off, when he heard some shouting outside. Not an argument, but raised voices. He ignored it, assuming it was just some bunch of lads walking past outside, but they didn't move on. The telly was loud enough to drown out what they were actually saying, so being bored (and a bit nosey), went to the window and looked out.

There he saw all of his mates - Dave and Paul sitting on the wall sharing a fag, Mark and a few girls milling about on the pavement beyond them, and Smiffy, John & Dawn right outside his front door, looking upward and shouting - "We're going to the offie for some booze then piling round Micks, you coming?"
Trev was puzzled.
"What are you being like that for?" Dawn asked, seemingly to the sky. "Stop being ignorant - are you coming or what??"

Intrigued, Trev tapped on the window and everyone looked at him, and laughed. "Oh, there you are! We thought that was you," Smiffy said, pointing to the upstairs window, "it must be your brother."
Trev frowned. "No," he said, "I'm the only one in here, everybody's out."

The three faces in front of him froze. They looked up again, then back to him, panic rising in their eyes... "Get out mate, there's somebody upstairs, there's somebody in your house!!"

Trev tipped out of the living room, down the hallway and out the front door faster than he had ever moved in his life. By that point the whole gang was at his door, every one of them saying that *somebody* had been standing in the upstairs window, in his parent's darkened bedroom, staring at them. When they shouted the warning, they had all seen the figure calmly turn and walk away.

A thorough search of the house by Trev and his 7 friends turned up nothing. All windows were secure, and the door to his parent's room was closed, as it had been all night...

Everyone was a bit rattled by the event, Trev more than most of course - but Dawn says she hardly slept for weeks. Every time she closed her eyes she could see that dark silhouette, just gazing silently down at her...

James in Middlesbrough sent this in,

I used to work with a girl called Lisa who was from down south but moved up here to be with her husband. She went back down south to her parents house where she grew up and they took their 3 year old daughter for the first time.

During dinner her daughter was talking to someone invisible, they asked her who she was taking to, she said Julie. They asked what Julie looked like and she described a Victorian lady. They all took a gasp.

It was the exact same imaginary friend Lisa had when she was three

And my favourite, this one sent in by Andy in Thirsk.

This is a true story....

Many moons ago when we where younger Sue and I stayed at a friends farm on the Lizard in Cornwall for New Year.

After a strange new year party at a pub in the middle of nowhere we arrived back at the farm and collapsed into our sleeping bags. I was woken by my wife who said 'I can her something upstairs!'. It'll be someone going to the loo i muttered and tried to go back to sleep, but then I heard it.

The noise was the sound of a large dog scrabbling across bare floorboards followed by the sound of an old latch being lifted and dropped. This sound repeated itself overhead at intervals several times. Thinking it was someone buggering about I got up and went upstairs to ask them to keep it down.

At the top of the stairs all was quiet as the grave... but downstairs again the sounds continued until we both passed out.

Next morning we mentioned the nights goings on at breakfast, only to be told 'don't mention this to my daughter'.
Apparently, she slept in that room and had repeatedly seen a man in her room in the mirror and now always kept her dresser mirror covered......

Needless to say this scared the crap out of us and we quickly packed uop and left.

Thanks to everyone who joined in, wait what`s that, over there in the shadows? It can`t be, can it?

Till the next one, learn something new.


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