A million and six years ago when Dinosaurs ruled the Earth, and you could buy a litre of petrol without having to take out a second mortgage, My family moved from the Dickensian landscape known in Middlesbrough as "Downtown", to the Halcyon landscape named "Acklam".
Acklam had many things that Downtown didn`t have, such as grass, trees, and fresh air. Downtown had many things that Acklam didn`t have such as back alleys, dysentry, and Ayresome Park (home of Middlesbrough Foorball Club). Each one as deadly as the last, with the possible exception of dysentry.
Of course I`m exaggerating, but the one thing that Acklam did have was the Coronation Pub. This was a building which held great mystery to me as an idle youngster. My Dad, King Kenny, and my Brother (Gary, Star of ITV1`s Mum`s on Strike, and BBC1`s Jobless), would wander off into it on a Sunday Morning, and return in time for Sunday Dinner in a much happier mood than which they had left.
It didn`t end there. Gary would pop over there most evenings and I would hear tales of such debauchery and excitement that i longed for the day when I could walk into the place and order my first pint.

That day eventually came and as I prepared myself, Dad and Gary opened the door for me to walk in. My time was here, I was about to become a man at last.
There were half a dozen old fella`s playing Domino`s, a couple of lads playing Pool, and a barmaid filing her nails eating a chunky chicken Toastie. Well it must fill later with all the antics I thought, time for my first sip of the sweet sweet liquid known as beer. The beer tasted like it had been swilled around an ashtray, and passed through the exhaust of a Ford Sierra. It was rank. Here`s the daft thing. I don`t think I`d ever felt so happy. I was one of the Corra Lads. I walked home drunk not only on the cheap and vulgar beer, but on knowing the next chapter of my life had started. What adventures I`d have. Oh to be young and daft.
A couple of the lads from The Corra(John Greenslade, Dave Brown, the Coxon lads), and the local Rugby/Cricket Club have been performing stellar cycling tasks in aid of Local Hospices. they`re about to set off on a trek across Spain in aid of a Local Childrens Hospice called Zoe`s Place. I really do urge you to follow their exploits. It can be found at http://coastbusters.co.uk/blog/

Go on, learn something new.
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